The ULTIMATE Guide To A Top-Scoring IB Physics Scientific
This hugely popular guide has helped literally thousands of
IB Physics students to boost their grades in their
IB Physics Investigation (formerly called IB Physics IA)
NOTE: This article can be downloaded as a PDF
Free Download HereWelcome to the most useful resource for helping you maximise your marks in your IB Physics Scientific Investigation
Your Scientific Investigation is worth 20% of your final grade and boosting your score here, will give you the best chance when you sit your final exams.
Since 2020, GradePod has helped literally thousands of IB Physics students with their IB Physics IA.
We've made it our mission to provide the best IA guide possible!
So you may be wondering if this guide will really help you to guarantee that grade boost?
We promise this guide works. The reviews speak for themselves 😀
It's a long guide, use the contents below OR
Download the Complete Guide HERECONTENTS
1. Choosing Your Research Question
- Does Your IB Physics IA Idea Have To Be 'Original' ?
- All Top-Scoring IB Physics Research Questions Have THIS Format
- Is It OK to Use A Topic That You've Found Online?
- How To Write Your OWN Research Question
- The Difference Between HL an SL Topics
1. Choosing Your Research Question
This is your starting point for the IB Physics Scientific Investigation (formerly known as the Internal Assessment), and choosing the right topic is key to achieving a 7 in both SL and HL IB Physics.
Many students dive into the IB Physics syllabus and start to brainstorm IA ideas from there. That can work, but reading through this guide first will ensure your topic is both effective and meets IB requirements. GradePod can save you a lot of time, and every suggestion here aligns with the IB Physics guide ✅
Here is everything you need to know about crafting a strong IB Physics research question.
Does Your IB Physics IA Idea Have To Be 'Original' ?
Has your teacher said this to you?
"You aren’t supposed to do your IB Physics Scientific Investigation on a topic that someone else has done already.” |
Let’s clear up this misconception... YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ORIGINAL!
Every year, around 25,000 IB Physics students submit a scientific investigation. Each investigation must fall within the scope of the IB Physics syllabus.
Soooooo, it’s nearly impossible to come up with a research question that is completely original.
FACT: You will not lose marks in your Physics Scientific Investigation if your topic is not completely original.
Now you know the truth!
Choose a topic quickly. Originality isn’t required and won’t significantly impact your grades. The key is to select a subject you enjoy. Your enthusiasm and personal investment will be evident in how you develop your method and analysis.
Here are 100 IB Physics Investigation ideas you can choose from.
All Top-Scoring IB Physics Research Questions Have This Format
GradePod follows the advice from the most recent Examiner Reports published by the IBO. Their top-level guidance is clear:
A top-scoring physics IA starts with a well-defined research question.
This section of the guide explains EXACTLY what a "well-defined" research question is.
In recent years, examiners have emphasised that multiple variables should not be investigated AND that quantifiable variables must be included.
Here are some excerpts from the reports:
With this advice in mind, a clear structure for a strong research question becomes obvious.
FACT: You should format your research question in the style:
"How does *Variable X* affect *Variable Y*?"
By formatting a research question in this way, students can:
- identify the independent and dependent variables quickly
- organise the method into fewer steps (less than 10 bullet points is advised)
- determine which graph should be plotted
- focus background theory
- streamline conclusions and evaluations
This format aligns with all examiner guidance AND increases the likelihood of producing a top-scoring report.
It's not always easy to structure a research question properly while ensuring it generates useful data. That’s why GradePod has created the ULTIMATE LIST of 100 IB Physics IA Ideas 📋. Each of these 100 ideas has been tried and tested, guaranteeing data that supports a high-scoring IB Physics IA.
Is It OK to Use A Topic That You've Found Online?
Examiners have no issue with IB Physics students using an idea found online. The only requirement is that it must be referenced properly. Students will not lose marks for using an existing idea—marks are allocated based on the method, data collection, analysis, and report writing.
Here is the examiner's comment from the recent IB Physics subject report:
![]() “One reason for the popularity of many investigations is that previous IA reports are easily accessible online. Whenever students use ideas from previous work they must make a clear reference to this, and they must acquire their own data, perform their own analysis, and write their own report.” |
If the goal is to "choose a topic quickly," the easiest way is to select one from this list of 100 IB Physics Scientific Investigation ideas.
Remember that there are 25,000 students completing their physics IA every year. It is impossible to find a totally original IA topic - so don't stress out on that.
How To Write Your OWN Research Question
The correct format for an IB Physics Scientific Investigation research question has already been covered, along with 100 ideas that follow this exact structure.
If those IA ideas aren't the right fit—no problem! For students who prefer a more personal approach, there is also a step-by-step method to craft a research question in under 15 minutes. This simple, structured guide has been a trusted resource since 2013.
For those looking to stand out by exploring a subject they are truly passionate about, this approach provides an easy way to develop a unique research question. Follow this method to create a strong IB Physics Investigation research question.
Are you losing sleep over the supposed differences between SL and HL investigations? Well, you can rest easy!
FACT: The marking criteria for both SL and HL levels are identical. There is no difference between and HL and SL IB Physics Scientific Investigation
The examiners won't know whether you're an SL or HL student. So, ditch the idea of coming up with an "HL-specific idea" and concentrate on conducting a solid investigation.
Please don’t waste time trying come up with an “HL idea”.
Once you've chosen a research topic, you'll have to collect data. This can be done in two ways:
- Conducting a practical experiment in your school laboratory (or at home)
- Using a simulation to collect data
MOST students will opt to conduct a physical practical in their school laboratory because it lends itself better to error analysis and evaluation.
Whatever method you choose to collect data, we have advice below:
Collecting IB Physics Data: Start Here
The very first step in data collection is identifying variables. This is crucial when planning the methodology for an IB Physics experiment and is especially important for the IB Physics IA.
As mentioned earlier, research questions should be formatted as follows:
"How does *Variable X* affect *Variable Y*?"
Using this format makes identifying variables straightforward.
Independent Variable: The variable that is intentionally changed (i.e. *Variable X*).
Dependent Variable: The variable that changes as a result of *Variable X* changing (i.e. *Variable Y*).
Control Variables: All factors that must remain constant to ensure a fair test.
Here’s an example:
How does the volume of water in a wine glass affect the resonant frequency of the wine glass?
Independent Variable: Volume of water in wine glass Dependent Variable: Resonant Frequency of glass Control Variables: Temperature of water, force of striking the glass, density of glass, temperature of surrounding air, etc. |
Once variables are identified, the next step is planning how to measure and control them.
Each variable should be analyzed to maximise precision and accuracy.
Questions to consider:
- Which apparatus should be used?
- What is the level of precision for this apparatus?
- Can precision be improved?
- Does human error affect accuracy or precision?
- How can human error be minimised?
- Can results be repeated to decrease random error and improve accuracy?
- Is there a limited range of values for this variable?
- What impact will a limited data range have on conclusions?
Many of these questions are more relevant to practical experiments; however, for those using simulations to collect data, a list of 10 Questions to Ask If Completing an IB Physics IA Using a Simulation has been compiled.
Collecting Data at Home
For students completing their Physics IA at home, access to school laboratory equipment may be limited. Tools like vernier calipers, oscilloscopes, and voltmeters are unlikely to be readily available.
While this may make data collection more challenging, it is certainly not impossible.
A top-scoring Physics IA can still be achieved by conducting an investigation at home.
Choosing the research question carefully is essential.
To support this process, a list of IB Physics IA ideas that can be completed at home has been compiled. These investigations use simple household materials and make creative use of smartphones as measuring instruments.
Collecting Data Using a Simulation
In recent years, only a small number of students have chosen to base their investigation on a simulation or database. Most students opt to conduct a practical experiment at school or at home.
There may be concerns about whether examiners will penalise the use of simulations for data collection. They don’t! However, there are specific requirements:
![]() “If a student uses a computer simulation for their IA it is crucial that they have an interesting and relevant approach to the analysis of the data generated. The data should be used to find some physical function or numerical value.” |
This means that examiners expect a well-justified use of simulations and a strong approach to analysing the data.
Some challenges that may arise when using a simulation for data collection include:
- Finding a suitable simulation (preferably free!)
- Understanding the limitations of the simulation
- Adapting the research question to suit a simulation
An article has been written to address these challenges when using a simulation for an IB Physics IA.
Group Work In Your IB Physics Investigation
The IB Physics syllabus encourages collaboration in the updated version of the IB Physics IA.
The guidance is clear.
FACT: Collaboration should only take place during the data collection stage, and the teacher should be aware of the role that each group member is playing.
Working in groups is encouraged, but each member should focus on a different aspect of the investigation. This approach mirrors real-world scientific research, balancing collaboration with individual analysis.
Rules of Group Work in the IB Physics Scientific Investigation:
- Groups must be no larger than three students.
- The teacher must ensure that all students in the group engage equally.
- Each student within the group should investigate an individual research question by manipulating a different independent variable from those selected by other group members (e.g. one student might choose "How does the volume of water affect the resonant frequency of a wine glass when struck by a constant force?" while another student selects "How does the temperature of water affect the resonant frequency of a wine glass when struck by a constant force?").
- The final report submitted for assessment must be the work of an individual student. A group report is not permitted.
3: Writing Your Report
Once data collection for the IB Physics Scientific Investigation is complete, the next step is writing the report…
The structure of the report is outlined below, but this is also where TrIBe Physics becomes an incredibly useful resource.
Inside TrIBe Physics, students gain access to one of the most valuable bonus courses available! Learn **directly from Sally Weatherly, International IB Physics Specialist**, as she guides you step by step through writing a high-scoring IB Physics IA.
Complete the entire IB Physics IA in less than 2 hours with structured video tuition, split into 12 simple tutorials. |
Follow This EXACT IB Physics IA Structure
Follow the EXACT structure of subheadings listed below to maximise the chances of obtaining full marks in the IB Physics Scientific Investigation.
- Report Details
- Introduction
- Theory and Hypothesis
- Variables
- Diagram
- Apparatus
- Method
- Raw Data
- Processed Data
- Graph
- Analysis and Conclusion
- Evaluation
- References
This structure may seem daunting at first, but by tackling each sub-section one step at a time, the final report will come together efficiently.
This article provides a detailed breakdown of what should be included in each section of the IB Physics Scientific Investigation and is highly recommended for review. Alternatively, a free PDF guide is available alongside this article, outlining the full requirements for each section.
Download the full guide for each section of your IA hereShould You Include a Title Page?
There is no requirement to include a cover page or a contents page.
At the top of the first page, include the following:
- Title of the investigation
- IB candidate code (alphanumeric, for example, xyz123)
- IB candidate code for all group members (if applicable)
- Number of words
Formatting should remain consistent with the rest of the report—no fancy fonts!
FACT: A title page and contents section should not be included in the report.
Only the four data points listed above should be included—nothing else.
This information can be presented in just four lines of text. There is no need to waste space, time, or effort on creating a title page or contents section.
In fact, including a title page and contents section can be a distraction for examiners.
Since investigations are marked digitally, requiring examiners to scroll back and forth to check the research question can be inconvenient.
Should Your Report Be Less Than 12 Pages Long?
Previous advice suggested that the report should be 12 pages or less. However, this guidance has now changed.
FACT: The IB has issued new guidance stating that the maximum overall word count for the report is 3,000 words.
The following are not included in the word count of the IB Physics IA:
- Charts and diagrams
- Data tables
- Equations, formulas, and calculations
- Citations/references (whether parenthetical, numbered, footnotes, or endnotes)
- Bibliography
- Headers
To meet examiner expectations for a high-quality internal investigation, 3,000 words can typically fit within 12 pages.
However, reports that extend to 13 or 14 pages are acceptable, as long as content remains concise, relevant, and free from unnecessary repetition.
Writing with precision ensures that examiners will engage with reports beyond 12 pages if necessary.
Be Honest About the Word Count
The total word count must be stated at the beginning of the report. While it may seem unlikely that examiners will verify this, advances in artificial intelligence mean that word counts can be checked quickly and accurately.
It is essential to stay within the prescribed word limit.
THIS Is How To Write Your Introduction
Ugggghhhhhh! There’s nothing worse than reading:
“I’m passionate about bungee jumping, and the last time I stood on top of a bridge, about to leap, I suddenly thought that I could combine my fascination for SHM with bungee jumping. So I decided to investigate….”
As soon as examiners see words like passionate or fascinated, they switch off.
While it is important to demonstrate real-world significance, examiners can easily recognize when enthusiasm is forced.
Equally, a three-page lecture on the importance of a research question, referencing 17 different scientific papers, is unnecessary.
There is a **subtle balance** to achieving the perfect introduction to an IB Physics Scientific Investigation.
The introduction can be written in just 5 sentences by following these simple steps:
- Clearly state the research question
- Provide a brief overview of the investigation
- Explain why the research question is important
- Show personal engagement
- Be clear and concise
FACT: A well-written introduction should take no more than 5 sentences, or approximately 150 words.
Perfecting the introduction is a skill, and this step-by-step guide provides further detail on how to structure it effectively.
Let's Talk About Plagiarism
Your report will be scanned for plagiarism! BUT the reality goes beyond just a plagiarism check.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that students understand the fundamental concepts of academic integrity, particularly authenticity and intellectual property. The teacher must ensure that work submitted for assessment adheres to IB requirements.
Simply put, all work must be entirely original.
Where collaboration is permitted, it must be clear what distinguishes collaboration from collusion.
Before submission, the teacher will review and scrutinise:
- The initial proposal
- The first draft of the written work
- The references cited
- The writing style compared with a student’s usual style
Only AFTER these steps will the report be submitted to a web-based plagiarism detection service such as
Using someone else’s work and attempting to pass it off as original will be extremely difficult to conceal…
Example IB Physics IA Reports
If you want to know how to write your IB Physics IA, one of the best ways to understand what is expected is by reviewing an example report.
The BEST way to learn how to write an IB Physics IA (far better than relying on sample reports) is to join TrIBe Physics and be guided step by step by Sally Weatherly, International IB Physics Specialist. |
If TrIBe Physics isn't the right fit, numerous educational websites, including GradePod, offer access to example IB Physics IA reports.
An example IB Physics Scientific Investigation report can be viewed here. This example is suitable for both SL and HL students.
Benefits of Using Example IA Reports
- Understanding Expectations:
Example reports provide clear insights into the expected structure, depth, and level of analysis. They help clarify the requirements of the IA. - Quality Benchmarks:
They serve as benchmarks for quality. By reviewing high-scoring IAs, students can identify what makes an investigation stand out, from the complexity of the topic chosen to the clarity of data presentation and depth of analysis. - Formatting and Presentation:
They help in understanding formatting details—how to structure the report, present data, and cite sources, all of which are crucial for creating a professional-looking document.
Drawbacks of Using Example IA Reports
- Risk of Plagiarism:
There is a fine line between using examples as a guide and unintentionally copying material. Students may mimic content, research questions, or data analysis, leading to plagiarism—an issue taken very seriously in the IB curriculum. - Over-reliance on Examples:
Depending too heavily on sample reports can limit creativity. Students may feel compelled to conform to the examples rather than exploring unique questions or employing innovative methodologies. - Potential Misguidance:
Not all examples available online are of high quality or align with the current IB criteria. Using outdated or poorly conducted investigations as models can provide misleading information about the level of rigour required. - Sample Bias:
The examples typically found online or provided in classrooms are often high-scoring reports, which may not represent the full spectrum of acceptable topics and methodologies. This could narrow a student's perception of what is possible within the IA.
While example IA reports can be incredibly helpful, they should be used wisely.
IB Physics IA example reports should serve as a guide—not a template—to encourage original thinking. The true structure to follow is outlined here 😉
By understanding both the benefits and limitations of using sample reports, students can develop their own high-quality, authentic IB Physics IA.
Using IB Marking Criteria to Improve Your Physics IA Draft
To improve the first draft of an IB Physics IA, a deep understanding of the IB marking criteria can be highly beneficial.
Each component of the criteria not only provides guidance for structuring the report but also serves as a checklist to refine the draft before submission.
Here’s a brief overview of how these criteria can be used to enhance the first draft:
- Research Design (6 Marks):
This section evaluates the clarity and appropriateness of the research question and the coherence of the methodology. Use this criterion to review whether the research question is clearly defined and whether the methodology is detailed and suitable for answering the question. Every step of the experiment or study should be logically planned and justified. - Data Analysis (6 Marks):
Focus on how well data have been recorded, processed, and presented. This criterion ensures that data are organised in a way that directly addresses the research question and that data processing methods enhance clarity and accuracy. Charts, graphs, and statistical analyses should be revisited to ensure clarity and relevance. - Conclusion (6 Marks):
This criterion assesses the directness and validity of the answer to the research question based on the collected data. It also considers how findings are integrated within the accepted scientific context. The conclusion should directly tie back to the research question and incorporate scientific theory to substantiate findings. - Evaluation (6 Marks):
This section assesses the ability to critically analyse the methodology and propose reasonable and insightful improvements. It is an opportunity to reflect on experimental errors, limitations of the approach, and discuss possible enhancements.
For a more detailed analysis of each criterion and comprehensive tips on meeting the high standards expected in the IB Physics IA, refer to the full guide on IB Physics IA Marking Criteria here.
Aligning the first draft with these criteria can significantly enhance the overall quality of the report.
BUT... that sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it??
There’s an easier way to write a top-scoring IB Physics IA…
How Much Help Can You Expect From Your Teacher?
Teachers should provide help and support throughout the IB Physics Scientific Investigation process.
After selecting a topic, the IB has made it clear that students should not be left to complete the internal assessment component without further support from their teacher.
Teachers play a key role during both the planning stage and the period when students are working on their internally assessed work.
![]() “It is important that teachers provide guidance during the entire IA investigation process, and not only when they read a draft. Some of the weaknesses that they could have corrected during the student's design stage included multiple independent variables, unquantifiable variables, multiple investigations, and unrealistic experimental expectations. Proper guidance should be given when reading the draft of the IA.” |
It is the responsibility of teachers to ensure that students are familiar with:
- The requirements of the type of work to be internally assessed
- The Sciences Experimentation Guidelines publication
- The assessment criteria, ensuring that the work submitted effectively addresses these standards
Teachers and students should engage in discussions about the internally assessed work. Students are encouraged to initiate conversations with their teacher to obtain advice and information, and seeking guidance should never result in penalties.
Teacher Feedback on the First Draft
As part of the learning process, teachers should read and provide advice on the first draft of the report. Feedback may be given orally or in writing on ways to improve the work, but teachers cannot edit the draft. The next version submitted to the teacher must be the final version for assessment.
There’s another way to write a top-scoring IB Physics Scientific Investigation...
TrIBe Physics
This article has provided extensive free guidance on how to achieve a 7 in the IB Physics Scientific Investigation.
It’s entirely possible to learn everything needed online for free. Many students have successfully used free advice, YouTube videos, and PDFs to produce a top-scoring IA.
- Maybe additional help and structured guidance is needed?
- Maybe there's a desire to save time instead of searching through multiple blogs, YouTube videos, and free PDFs?
- Maybe step-by-step guidance that gets straight to the point is the best approach?
Inside TrIBe Physics, students gain access to one of the most valuable bonus courses available! Learn directly from Sally Weatherly, International IB Physics Specialist, as she walks through writing a high-scoring IB Physics IA from scratch.
Complete the entire IB Physics IA in less than 2 hours with structured video tuition, split into 12 simple tutorials. |
Inside TrIBe Physics, students receive strategic, efficient, and proven support designed to save time and improve marks.
- It provides step-by-step guidance through all key concepts needed to maximise marks in the IB Physics Scientific Investigation.
- It offers access to a physics tutor for ongoing support, ensuring that expert help is available when needed.
There are two options: take the long route (for free) or invest in structured online expertise for a faster, more efficient approach. Either way works!
The BEST Part About TrIBe Physics
TrIBe Physics isn’t just about the Scientific Investigation.
TrIBe Physics is everything needed to achieve a 7 in IB Physics—backed by a money-back guarantee.
Sally Weatherly has compiled every bit of specialist knowledge into TrIBe Physics, ensuring students are fully supported throughout the entire IB Physics syllabus, all the way to the final IB Physics exam.
It’s a new and structured way of learning, with guidance available every step of the way.
It may come as no surprise that TrIBe Physics is considered the best IB Physics resource available—backed by a money-back guarantee! |
Of course, students can seek help from a physics teacher or tutor, and this article has provided insights on how to make the most of those options. There is already plenty of valuable content available to begin the journey towards a 7 in IB Physics….
Join TrIBe Physics and take the next step.
- It doesn't matter if you've just started the IB or are racing towards your final exams.
- It doesn't matter if you are struggling to pass any class tests or are the class genius.
- It doesn't matter if you haven't started your Scientific Investigation yet or have already re-created nuclear fusion in your garage and have written 1700 page dissertation on it.
TrIBe Physics is ready for you to enrol and work at your own pace until you get your 7 in IB Physics.