TrIBe Physics is not just for your IB Physics exams. It is a course companion that will help you with every class test, homework, mock exam and individual study between now and your final exams.
Some of you have emailed saying, "my exams are ages away, when should I join TrIBe Physics?"
When you join the lifetime plan, you get lifetime access! The longer you are enrolled in TrIBe Physics, the more value you will get out of it.
Let's be honest about price. The course will not decrease in price between now and next year (when you start to really think about exams). So why would you miss out on one whole year of using an insanely useful program?
If you are on the fence about the best time to join, you will get MUCH more value if you join now - rather than wait until you think you need it.
All video tutorials and resources are pre-recorded. That means you work at your own pace. It's not a program that has a timeframe.
Finally, when you enrol in TrIBe Physics - you have direct access to me for the whole of your IB Physics journey.
If you're deciding if now is the right time to join - I genuinely can't see why you wouldn't join now!