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How to Improve Quickly in IB Physics Paper 1A: Multiple Choice Questions

ib physics exam tips ib physics paper 1a ib physics syllabus 2025+

Here are my strategies on how to get top marks in multiple choice questions for Paper 1A in IB Physics

Multiple choice questions feature very heavily in IB Physics, particularly in the final IB Physics exams, where Paper 1A is devoted to multiple choice questions. It is also highly likely that throughout your course, your teacher will give you multiple choice questions. They'll do that for a number of reasons, to help assess your skill and your understanding of the course AND because they are really easy for physics teachers to mark!


FACTS about IB Physics Paper 1A


The importance of multiple choice questions in your final grade


Standard Level: Multiple choice questions account for 20% of your final IB Physics grade.

Higher Level: Multiple choice questions account for 24% of your final IB Physics grade.


This is a good thing! Multiple Choice are easier to master than learning a whole other option topic....


What are you allowed?


You are allowed a calculator! The 'old' syllabus did not allow you to have a calculator in Paper 1 - what a pain! It seems the examiners have softened and realised that we all have a calculator in our hands at all times and it's insane to disallow one from this exam

You are allowed a data booklet. The paper follows the structure of the IB course (i.e. questions on Theme A first, then on Theme B, etc). This makes it easy to make the best use of your data booklet. Open the data booklet at the correct page matching the topic you are currently working on. It will help - I promise!


How long and how many questions will I have?


Standard Level: Paper 1A will contain 25 multiple choice questions and it recommended that you spend an average of 2 minutes per question. You should allocate yourself 50 minutes for this section of Paper 1.

Higher Level: Paper 1A will contain 40 multiple choice questions and it recommended that you spend an average of 2 minutes per question. You should allocate yourself 80 minutes for this section of Paper 1.


What is the hardest part of Paper 1A in IB Physics?


Here's the killer 💀

50% of the questions in paper one have multiple steps and paper one is designed by these lovely examiners to be difficult. You will find this paper difficult. So in 50% of the questions, the answer is not as easy as it might sound. In 50% of those questions, you're going to have to do a number of different steps to get the final answer. So this is something that also we need to start practicing. It's not like GCSE or multiple choice questions or little quizzes you have on the internet. These multiple choice questions do require you to problem solve, and they do require you to have knowledge.


What are the grade boundaries of Paper 1A in IB Physics?


We're obviously very early on in the new specification. We'll take that into account. ALSO, the grade boundaries can vary every year depending on the relative difficulty of the exam and the quality of candidates presenting.

The point I'm trying to make is that the grade boundaries are fluid.

But the good news is is that the grade boundaries are expected to be low for Paper 1A.

So even though it's designed to be difficult, and even though you may not find it particularly easy, the grade boundaries are lowered to reflect that. So it is deemed to be a fair paper.

Example grade boundaries are:


1:  0-10

2: 11-12

3: 13-15

4: 16-18

5: 19-22

6: 23-25

7: 26-40

So you are looking at 65% + for a 7 in Paper 1A in HL IB Physics



1:  0-7

2:  8-9

3: 10-12

4: 13-14

5: 15-17

6: 18-19

7: 20-30

So you are looking at 67% + for a 7 in Paper 1A in SL IB Physics


What are the most heavily-examined topics in IB Physics Paper 1?


We don't know yet. There have not been enough Paper 1A's to conduct an analysis of. However, we can look to past papers in the old syllabus and hope that the pattern will be largely continued. In this case:



HIGHER LEVEL: Paper 1A (Expected Topic Weighting)
  • A.1-A.3: Kinematics, Forces and Motion AND Work, Energy and Power
  • C1-C3: SHM, Wave Model and Wave Phenomena
  • D.4: Induction
  • E.2-E.3: Quantum Physics and Radioactivity

Obviously the other topics are assessed, these topics are just the most heavily-weighted in past papers from 2016-2024.


STANDARD LEVEL: Paper 1 (Expected Topic Weighting)
  • A.1-A.3: Kinematics, Forces and Motion AND Work, Energy and Power
  • C1-C3: SHM, Wave Model and Wave Phenomena
  • B.5 and E.2: Current and Circuits, Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • E.1: Structure of the Atom

Obviously the other topics are assessed, these topics are just the most heavily-weighted  in past papers from 2016-2024.


ADVICE for Multiple Choice Questions


  • Prioritise the most heavily-weighted topics mentioned above
  • Use to practice multiple choice questions by topic
  • Use a timer to limit yourself to 2 minutes per question
  • Practice 'ratio' questions as they feature regularly
  • The paper is set out in order of the syllabus, this means there are easy questions at the end! Work through the paper initially and complete the easy questions. Skip any that are too hard.
  • Eliminate any clearly incorrect responses
  • If you see a graph question, focus on the gradient, area under the graph and the units.
  • Sometimes, there is no clear correct answer. That's a failing of the exam AND a life lesson. Just choose one and move on. You have more than a 25% chance of getting it right!
  • NEVER leave any blank responses.

For a detailed breakdown of Paper 1B and Paper 2 in IB Physics exams, head to my Ultimate IB Physics Exam Breakdown article.

Hope this helps!


Don't forget to download your
FREE IB Physics Syllabus 2025 Checklist

Thumbnail for the IB Physics Complete Checklist with a female student smiling and holding books, advertising GradePod's Free Learning Objectives Checklist for exams in May 2025, featuring the text 'Know What You Need to Study in the New IB Physics Syllabus with Our Easy-to-Understand Guide. Download Now!