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The IB Physics Data Booklet

The IB Physics data booklet is a complete lifesaver for any IB Physics student. This GradePod article will look at how you can make maximum use of the formula booklet at all stages of the new IB Physics syllabus.

For students sitting IB Physics exams in 2025 and beyond 

Download The IB Physics Data Booklet Here
A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.

Let’s fast-forward to your exams for a moment…

Imagine sitting in the exam hall, feeling that wave of confidence as you flip through a booklet filled to the brim with electrical symbols, essential mathematical equations, constants, and physics equations—all precisely curated to align with your exam needs. That booklet exists!

Smiling student giving a thumbs up while holding the IB Physics Data Booklet. She is sitting in a study environment with bookshelves in the background, indicating preparation for IB Physics exams.

Your IB Physics data booklet is your exam best friend and you have to know how to use it.

You can download your copy below.

Download the IB Physics Data Booklet HERE

Your exams might feel like they are far away, but trust us… you need to eat, sleep 😴, and breathe this booklet so that when the time comes, navigating its pages is as natural as breathing. Why? Because the exam doesn’t just test your memory; it’s all about interpretation and application.

Each student will be given a clean copy of the formula booklet during exams. The school must get these from the IBO to ensure every student is armed and ready.

In the meantime, you’ll need a copy now (and you know that GradePod has got your back - you can download your copy here!)

This article will go through how to understand and use this formula booklet.


1. How The Data Booklet Has Changed In 2025

The new booklet is in two sections.

Section 1

This section includes information which will be useful throughout the teaching of DP Physics (e.g., mathematical relationships, fundamental constants, electrical circuit components, etc.).

Section 2

The second contains equations relevant to specific themes and topics in the IB Physics syllabus.

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Instructions for Downloading and Using The Data Booklet

The 2016 booklet stressed the need for students to have a copy of the data booklet for exams. However, the 2025 booklet places more responsibility on schools to download and ensure sufficient copies from the IBIS or the Programme Resource Centre, reflecting possibly stricter guidelines or more structured administrative processes for the use of these booklets.

The 2025 booklet highlights the importance of the student using the data booklet throughout the course and using it to develop “understandings”. There has previously been concern that students were only getting a copy of the data booklet in the weeks before the exam and were not able to interpret and apply the formula inside the booklet.

SUMMARY: The new IB Physics data booklet should be used throughout the whole course and you should be provided a copy by your school.

You can also download a copy of the IB Physics Formula Booklet here.

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


New Mathematical Equations

IB Physics students were previously expected to memorise the mathematical relationships that underpinned IB Physics. Imagine having to memorise the volume of a sphere AND answer super hard questions about gravity! The new IB Physics data booklet makes mathematical equations much easier by adding the following relationships, which will be a massive help!

SUMMARY: There are more mathematical relationships in this new booklet

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Uncertainties and Vectors

The previous IB Physics syllabus had a whole topic devoted to measurements, uncertainties, vectors, and units. You would have found the equations relating to these topics in the “Topic 1” section of the old data booklet.

The new IB Physics syllabus has scrapped that. You’ll now learn these concepts holistically as you progress through the course. All the relevant equations are still in the booklet and they can be found in these two subsections:

  • Mathematical equations
  • Uncertainties

SUMMARY: Whilst vectors and uncertainties are not taught as a topic in class, you are expected to be able to work with them. All the equations you’ll need are in section 1 of the IB Physics Data Booklet.

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Electrical Symbols

The symbol for an AC power supply has been removed because the AC content has been removed from the new IB Physics Syllabus.

Light Emitting Diode, Motor and Earth have been added to the 2025 IB Physics data booklet (expect questions on these!)

SUMMARY: Expect to see the LED, Motor, and Earth in electric circuits from now on.

Electrical symbol for a Light Emitting Diode in the IB Physics Data Booklet. The symbol shows a regular diode symbol with two arrows leaving the diode, indicating that light is being emitted.
electrical symbol for an Earth (ground) in the IB Physics Data Booklet.
electrical symbol for a Motor in the IB Physics Data Booklet.
A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Electromagnetic Spectrum

In the previous IB Physics syllabus, you had to memorize the magnitudes of wavelengths for all the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. What a bore! In the new IB Physics Data Booklet, there’s a handy diagram with all the wavelengths listed.

Diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum from the IB Physics Data Booklet. Shows the range of electromagnetic waves from gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), microwaves, to radio waves. The spectrum is labeled with energy levels and wavelength in meters, from 10^-16 to 10^8 meters. The visible light spectrum is highlighted with colors corresponding to violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red (VIBGYOR) and wavelengths from 400 nm to 700 nm.

SUMMARY: You no longer need to learn the electromagnetic spectrum data.

NOTE: Download The Data Booklet HERE

Download Here


2: How to Use the IB Physics Data Booklet

The IB Physics Data Booklet can be super useful and give you extra marks if you know how to use it properly. Let’s look at my tips on how to use the formula booklet throughout the IB Physics course to maximise marks in your final exams.

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Throughout The IBDP Physics Course

Practice Problems

The most important advice is to complete as many practice problems and past paper questions as possible throughout the course - not JUST in the final few months before the exams. Regularly applying the equations and constants from the IB Physics Data Booklet will reinforce your memory but will also help you understand how and when to use specific pieces of information.

Be Aware

While doing all these practice problems, note which constants and relationships you use the most, and start to memorise key fundamental concepts and relationships. This will speed up the process of the exam.


You’ll get a clean copy of the IB Physics Data Booklet in your exams, but you should annotate your copy throughout the year. I’d probably add notes on what symbols mean or limits to the equations, etc. You can download a copy of my annotated data booklet here - to get an idea of how to annotate your data booklet.

Study Groups

Discuss the contents of the formula booklet with peers in study groups. Explaining how you use the booklet to others can deepen your understanding and reveal alternative ways to approach the material.

SUMMARY: Regularly use the IB Physics Data Booklet for practice problems, annotate it for clarity, and discuss it in study groups to reinforce key concepts and relationships


A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


During IB Physics Exams

Reading Time

Use the reading time before the exam to quickly review the booklet to refresh your memory on the locations of key formulae and constants. This will save valuable time during the exam.

Link to syllabus topic

Look at the problem you are solving in the exam paper. You can probably identify which topic the problem is addressing (e.g. A.1 Kinematics). Flip to the section of the data booklet that corresponds with the syllabus topic. You’ll be able to spot the correct formal much quicker. This will help you visualise how the booklet’s contents fit into the broader course structure and exam format.

Quantity symbols

Write down the symbols for every quantity given in the question. Here’s an example:

Physics problem showing a circuit diagram with a battery (12.0V, 1.5Ω internal resistance) connected to a 3Ω resistor, an ammeter, and a voltmeter. The task is to calculate the reading on the ammeter.
Noting down the symbols and values for the Physics problem showing a circuit diagram with a battery (12.0V, 1.5Ω internal resistance) connected to a 3Ω resistor, an ammeter, and a voltmeter. The task is to calculate the reading on the ammeter.
  1. For this question, you would flip to Topic B.5 Current and Circuits. 
  2. Do any symbols match those shown in the data booklet for that topic? YES! 
  3. You can see the symbols match the equation for internal resistance and you'd use that equation.


This tip probably applies more to multiple-choice questions in Paper 1A. However, using the constants and relationships from the booklet to estimate expected answers before performing detailed calculations will help you check the reasonableness of your answers.

SUMMARY: In IB Physics exams, use the reading time to review the data booklet, link questions to syllabus topics, write down given symbols, and estimate answers using booklet constants to save time and improve accuracy. 

NOTE: Download The Data Booklet HERE

Download Here


3: Key Points to Know About Each Section of the Data Booklet

As you go through the data booklet, you'll start to notice some subtle details and key points that can make or break your exam performance. This section highlights some of the most important things to be aware of—what they mean and why they matter.

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Inside TrIBe Physics, students actively use the data booklet while working through video tutorials, past papers, and mock exams—taught by Sally Weatherly, International IB Physics Specialist.


Honestly… TrIBe Physics is an incredible program! It provides structured guidance, expert-led video tutorials, and access to a physics tutor for additional support. Students can significantly improve their understanding of physics concepts and boost their exam performance. Plus, the 💯 money-back grade guarantee on the lifetime plan means there’s no risk 💪😊

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Vector Notation

If you understand Maths, you’ll know that vector notation should technically be used when solving certain problems in IB Physics.

Illustrating how vector notation may be displayed for a simple mathematical A-B vector

In the IB Physics Data Booklet, all equations relate to the magnitude of the quantities only. Vector notation has not been used.

SUMMARY: You’re not expected to use vector notation in your exam paper.

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Constants to Memorise

The fundamental constants below are in the data booklet; however, if you commit them to memory, it will speed up your problem-solving in the exam and improve your exam technique:

  • Acceleration of free fall: g = 9.8 ms-2 
    • This is the gravitational field strength on the Earth’s surface.
    • You can use g = 10ms-2  in Paper 1A. This is because most answers will require an estimation, rather than an exact answer.
    • In the previous specification, I encouraged students to use g = 9.81ms-2 (3sf),  but it's clear that the IB are happy with 2sf.
  • The gravitational constant: G = 6.67 ×10−11 Nm2 kg−2
    • Note the difference between G and g.
    • You'll use this constant when you're dealing with macroscopic scales of gravity and radial fields.
  • Coulomb constant: k = 8.99x10Nm2 C−2
    • The IB have include this constant in the IB Physics specification in a confusing way... we go through it fully inside TrIBe Physics.
    • Basically:
Equation showing Coulomb's constant, k

Where ε0 is the permittivity of free space (vacuum). This value of ε changes in different media.

If you experience a exam question that requires you to analyse electric fields that are NOT in free space, you cannot use the coulomb constant.

SUMMARY: You can only use the coulomb constant, k, when the system is in free space. 


A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


Impulse (A.2 Forces and Momentum)

The equation for impulse is: J = F∆t in the IB Physics Data Booklet. Don’t forget that:

  • F is the average force in this equation
  • J = Δp (impulse is equal to the change in momentum)
  • So you can expand this equation to
    J = F∆t = Δp = ma∆t


A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


B.3 Gas Laws


The Stefan-Boltzmann constant (kb), the universal gas constant (R), and Avogadro’s number (NA) are all linked by:

equation showing how to link the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, the universal gas constant, and Avogadro’s number

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


C.1 Simple Harmonic Motion (HL)

Many exam questions ask you to find the maximum speed of a particle undergoing SHM. The equation is in the data booklet, but it’s not very obvious. You need to manipulate this equation. We talk about this lots inside TrIBe Physics.

A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


D.5 Doppler Effect (HL)

If the question relies on the wave being reflected, then you should have to apply the doppler effect twice. I don’t think the data booklet makes that very clear. We talk about this in detail inside TrIBe Physics.

NOTE: Download The Data Booklet HERE

Download Here


4: FAQs About the IB Physics Data Booklet (2025 Syllabus)


A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


A graphic separator used in an article, depicting a stylized golden arch with small gray dots arranged in a grid pattern in the upper left corner. The arch is thick and smoothly curves to the right, providing a visually distinct element to delineate different sections of the article.


5. TrIBe Physics 

This article has provided a ton of free advice on how to use the IB Physics data booklet to your advantage—both throughout the course and in the exam.

Hopefully, you've also downloaded your own copy of the data booklet and are ready to work towards a 7 in IB Physics!

If extra support is needed to understand and apply physics concepts to improve exam scores…


If additional guidance from an IB Physics expert would be helpful…

Then it's time to join TrIBe Physics!

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TrIBe Physics offers step-by-step guidance, personalised checklists, video tutorials, past paper question banks, feedback reports, and access to a physics tutor for ongoing support.

Students will develop a deeper understanding of physics concepts, learn how to apply them in exams, identify weaknesses, and optimise study techniques.

Let’s transform the IB Physics experience together!

The BEST Bit About TrIBe Physics

TrIBe Physics isn’t just about the data booklet.

TrIBe Physics is EVERYTHING needed to score a 7 in IB Physics—backed by a money-back guarantee.

Sally Weatherly, International IB Physics Specialist, has packed every bit of specialist knowledge into TrIBe Physics, ensuring students receive full support through the entire IB Physics syllabus, right up until the final IB exam.

It’s a new and structured way of learning, with expert-led guidance available every step of the way.

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TrIBe Physics is considered the best IB Physics resource available—or your money back!

Students always have the option to seek help from a physics teacher or tutor, and this article has provided plenty of valuable insights to get started on the journey toward a 7 in IB Physics…


Join TrIBe Physics and take the next step.

  • It doesn't matter if you've just started the IB or are racing towards your final exams.
  • It doesn't matter if you are struggling to pass any class tests or are the class genius.
  • It doesn't matter if you haven't started your Scientific Investigation yet or have already re-created nuclear fusion in your garage and have written 1700 page dissertation on it.

TrIBe Physics is ready for you to enrol and work at your own pace until you get your 7 in IB Physics.