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How To Study IB Physics

The 4-Step Guide to Scoring a 7 in IB Physics

Free "How to Study IB Physics" Guide
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NOTE: This article can be downloaded as a PDF, along with all free study resources

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Can I really get a 7 in IB Physics?

Welcome to my 4-Step guide on how to score a 7 in IB Physics—a goal that might seem daunting but is entirely achievable with the right approach. I promise!

I’m believe that studying strategically can take any student towards a 7 in IB Physics.

By studying strategically, I mean following a tried-and-tested path that other have followed successfully.

GIF of Sally Weatherly smiling and waving, with a warmly lit and inviting home office background, giving a personal touch to the 'How to Study IB Physics' article on GradePod.

That’s where I come in!

I'm Sally Weatherly and I’ve been teaching IB Physics since 2004.

I've taught literally thousands of students how to pass their IB Physics exams, using my EXACT 4-Step success path.

I don’t know what else to say… it works!

Each of the four steps on my success path are designed to build upon the last, propelling you towards academic excellence.

So, let's get started on this journey together!

This article will go through my 4 Step Success Path. Follow the path and you’ll get actionable tips, and insightful resources that have been tailored specifically for the IB Physics curriculum.

By the end of this article, you'll not only be equipped with the strategies and confidence to tackle your IB Physics exams but also inspired to continue the momentum all the way to the finish line.

It's a long article and if you'd prefer to download this guide as a PDF (with all free resources included) 
Click the button below

Download the Full Guide
(and Free Resources)
This image is an infographic titled, 4 Steps for Success in IB Physics, from GradePod. It outlines a structured method for excelling in IB Physics, presented in four key steps. Each step is encapsulated within a circular design with associated icons that represent the essence of the step.  Step 1 - Master the Majority, advises prioritising key topics, using a syllabus checklist, and creating condensed revision notes. Step 2 - Activate the Application, suggests practicing with past paper questions, watching screencast solutions, and considering exam tips for each topic. Step 3 - Propel Your Progress, introduces the Magic Marking Grid training for understanding exam command words, and using a large selection of topic-specific past paper questions. The final Step 4 - Get the Grade, emphasises the importance of a full Scientific Investigation with step-by-step video training and sources for personalised and professional help.  The infographic is visually engaging with a clean design and bright colours, featuring the GradePod logo and the website link where more detailed information can be found.


Step 1:
Master the Majority Understand Concepts

In this first step of acing your IB Physics exams, let’s zero in on the topics that deserve the most attention and figure out how to thoroughly grasp the key concepts within them.

First off, consider this: the threshold for scoring a 7 in IB Physics HL and SL isn’t perfection.

The average grade boundary for a 7 in IB Physics HL is 68%, and for IB Physics SL, it’s 65%*

*For non-covid exams dating back to 2019

This means complete mastery of every single topic isn't necessary. It's perfectly fine if some concepts are still a bit hazy, provided that it's not a recurring theme!

In 'Step 1: Master the Majority', my goal is to guide you through mastering the bulk of the IB Physics syllabus. Here, it’s all about comprehension—the bedrock upon which your exam success is built. We'll park the problem-solving for Step 2; our current mission is to lay a solid foundation of understanding. And don’t stress—I’ve got all the resources you’ll need, including insights into the IB Physics guide and tips from the IB Physics data booklet, to ensure you’re on the right track.


A: Prioritise These IB Physics Key Topics


Not all topics are equally represented in the IB Physics exams.

It's crucial to focus on topics weighted more heavily in the exams. The new syllabus for the exams starting in 2025 is yet to reveal its trends; however, by analysing the allocated teaching hours in the IB Physics syllabus 2025, we can predict which topics will likely be pivotal in the exams.

In the previous syllabus (2016-2024), a detailed analysis of the IB Physics past papers highlighted a trend toward Mechanics and Wave Behaviour, with Mechanics questions alone accounting for almost 15% of the final IB Physics grade!

Of course, the new IB Physics syllabus (first exams 2025) will introduce a new format of exam papers. We don’t have a backlog of IB physics past papers for the new syllabus to spot trends in assessment yet. But rest assured, as soon as patterns emerge, I’ll clue you in!

Meanwhile, we can look at how many hours the examiners have set aside for teaching each topic in the new IB Physics guide. More teaching hours likely means greater significance in the final exams.

I’ve delved into the new IB Physics syllabus and pinpointed the relative importance of each topic just for you.


Bar chart displaying the weighted importance of different topics in the Standard Level IB Physics curriculum. The chart indicates the percentage of teaching hours assigned by examiners to topics like Space, Time and Motion, Wave Behaviour, Fields, and Nuclear and Quantum Physics, with the IB Physics Scientific Investigation highlighted as receiving a significant focus.

The graph above lays out the percentage of teaching hours assigned to each IB Physics SL topic, showing their significance in the syllabus.

Standard Level: Most Important Topics

In the IB Physics SL syllabus, more teaching hours have been allocated to the following:

  • A.2 - Forces and Momentum
  • A.1 - Kinematics
  • A.3 - Work, Energy and Power
  • D.2 - Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • E.3 - Radioactive Decay
Standard Level: Least Important Topics

These topics in the IB Physics SL syllabus have fewer teaching hours:

  • C.5 - Doppler Effect
  • C.1 - SHM
  • C.2 - Wave Model

Higher Level: Topic Order

The second graph indicates each topic’s weight in the IB Physics HL syllabus.

Bar chart displaying the weighted importance of different topics in the Higher Level IB Physics curriculum. The chart indicates the percentage of teaching hours assigned by examiners to topics like Space, Time and Motion, Wave Behaviour, Fields, and Nuclear and Quantum Physics, with 'Scientific Investigation' highlighted as receiving a significant focus.
Higher Level: Most Important Topics

More teaching hours in the IB Physics HL syllabus are given to:

  • D.2 - Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • D.1 - Gravitational Fields
  • E.3 - Radioactive Decay
  • C.3 - Wave Phenomena
Higher Level: Least Important Topics

Less emphasis in the IB Physics HL syllabus is on:

  • C.2 - Wave Model
  • E.4 - Electromagnetic Induction
  • C.4 - Standing Waves and Resonance
  • C.5 - Doppler Effect

How to Prioritise These IB Physics Topics: Class Study

When tackling these topics in class, pay extra attention to the heavy-hitters.

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If you're finding any topics challenging, TrIBe Physics is here to help.
I’ll personally guide you through each learning objective to ensure you fully understand the concepts

If your schedule is packed and you’re currently on something like the Doppler Effect, remember, understanding the basics won’t take long—especially with my efficient strategy for writing IB Physics notes.

How to Prioritise These IB Physics Topics: Exam Revision

For your final exam revision, logically, you’ll want to focus on the topics with more weight. Do this by:

  1. Kicking off your study schedule with the important or challenging topics.
  2. Allocating extra time to these sections.

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if you’re with TrIBe Physics, relax—I’ve prepared a tailored study timetable for the IB Physics exams, considering all these points.

Prioritising the IB Physics Scientific Investigation (formerly IA)

At GradePod, we’ve got an extensive article dedicated to the IB Physics Scientific Investigation—and for good reason. It makes up a whopping 20% of your final IB Physics grade. Get ahead by nailing this component, and you could significantly boost your exam score before you even step into the exam hall. Check out our detailed guide on crafting the perfect IB Physics IA.

Honestly? I think half the battle is trying to find a suitable topic for your IB Physics Investigation. So many student agonise over this hurdle. I'd love to make it easy for you...

Here's how to choose your own IB Physics investigation research question in under 15 minutes.

If this doesn't work, I have 100 IB Physics IA Ideas here - you can simply choose one!

Now For A Warning…!
Keep in mind, this analysis is based on the teaching hours indicated in the new IB Physics syllabus. It’s a solid estimate of the examiners' focus for the final exams. Yet, as more IB Physics exam papers are published, our predictions will only get sharper. Keep coming back to this article—I’ll be updating it with the latest insights to keep your study game strong.


B: Use This IB Physics Syllabus 2025 Checklist


This image is an extensive checklist for the IB Physics syllabus, with the first exams scheduled for May 2025. It's presented as a series of columns, each representing different topics covered in the syllabus. Each column is neatly organized with checkboxes next to detailed learning objectives, indicating areas of study that students must master. The design features the GradePod logo and is accented with colorful wave-like patterns and footprints, symbolizing the journey through the IB Physics course. The checklist is designed to be a comprehensive guide, ensuring students focus on every aspect of the syllabus necessary for exam success.

Download The Checklist HERE!

Once you know which topics are more heavily-weighted, you’ll need to arm yourself with a detailed set of learning objectives for each topic, ideally formatted as a checklist. These objectives should align precisely with the IB Physics curriculum. Remember, the examiners craft your IB Physics questions based on the syllabus—anything outside the syllabus won't make it into the exam. By targeting these learning objectives, you streamline your study sessions and keep your sights on the prize without wasting a moment.

GradePod’s Free IB Physics Syllabus Checklist

What you really need is someone who has digested the IB Physics specification and laid out the learning objectives clearly and concisely. A reliable set of guidelines devoid of jargon and complexities would be a game-changer, right?

If it's not in our checklist - it's not in the exam - SIMPLE!

GradePod offers a FREE, comprehensive checklist of learning objectives for each IB Physics topic, perfectly tailored to the IB Physics syllabus 2025 - it's all part of our free study pack!

No fuss, no muss—just clarity and precision, all set for you to track your triumphs.

Download The Checklist HERE!


C: Use This FREE Template For Your IB Physics Revision Notes


This image shows the blank template intended for ib physics students to write their notes. This template has been designed by GradePod and contains six clear sections: formulae, diagrams, graphs, experiments, definitions and other notes.

Download The Complete Guide (Including This Template) HERE!

Writing Revision Notes: What NOT To Do!

Through the years, I've seen a whole spectrum of students and their note-taking styles.

Some create colourful masterpieces brimming with sticky notes and neatly drawn diagrams, while others...? well, let's just say their approach is more 'freeform' with notes stashed at the bottom of their bag.

Please, resist the urge to spend hours transcribing class notes or highlighting your entire IB Physics textbook.

Writing Revision Notes: Do This!

The real secret is knowing precisely what to jot down, and in which order (spoiler: I'm here to guide you on that)

Regularly compose your revision notes throughout the year, after wrapping up each IB Physics topic in class, so there's no need to cram note-making into one mammoth session when exams loom on the horizon.

With my free IB Physics revision note template, you’ll be able to summarise each IB Physics topic in under 15 minutes.

Your revision notes for each IB Physics topic need a consistent structure to enhance recall.

Let’s dive in!

The most efficient method is to use the GradePod template, pre-filled with these categories:

  1. Formulae
  2. Required Definitions
  3. Common Diagrams
  4. Common Graphs
  5. Experiments
  6. Other Notes

For the pen-and-paper enthusiasts, print out multiple copies of this template for each IB Physics HL or SL topic. If you're digitally inclined, the same template on your tablet will do the trick every time.

I've designed a revision note template that embodies efficiency and clarity, mirroring the IB Physics syllabus structure.

To get your free copy of this template, download the GradePod Study Pack here.

Download The Complete Guide (Including This Template) HERE!

What to Write In Your Revision Note Template

Obviously you need to write something in each section of the revision note template. 

There's a very simple (free) video tutorial on this, where I deep-dive and show you how to write kick-ass revision notes for each topic in IB Physics in under 15 minutes...

This blog post will take you through the video tutorial and article on how to write IB physics notes using this template.

With my tailored revision note template, you can distill the vast IB Physics syllabus down to 10–15 crisp pages. Not only does this make studying more manageable, but it also means you're passively learning a significant chunk of the course.

So give yourself a pat on the back for your new, pocket-sized arsenal of knowledge, say goodbye to the bulky textbook, and shift your focus to mastering those IB Physics past papers and honing your exam skills.

Ready to see a full set of notes in action? Check out these examples for Topic B.1 and B.3: Thermal Physics and Gas Laws!

This image displays a completed first page of a revision note template for the IB Physics topic on Thermal Physics. The top part of the page features the GradePod logo followed by the headings of Formulae, Definitions and Common Diagrams

This image displays a completed second page of a revision note template for the IB Physics topic on Thermal Physics. The top part of the page features the GradePod logo followed by the headings of Common Graphs and Common Experiments

This image displays a completed third and final page of a revision note template for the IB Physics topic on Thermal Physics. The top part of the page features the GradePod logo followed by the heading of Other Notes


Step 2: 
Accelerate the Application
Answer Exam Questions

Developing problem-solving skills is a core part of the IB Physics curriculum. One of the most effective ways to sharpen these skills is through the use of past papers. Let's explore the 'why', 'when', and 'how' of this invaluable resource.

Past papers are a gold mine for honing your problem-solving abilities and refining your exam technique. They are the very benchmarks that reveal where your understanding may falter, guiding you on where to focus your efforts for improvement. While accessing IB Physics past papers and their mark schemes can be a challenge, the effort is well worth it, as they offer direct insight into the types of questions you'll encounter on your IB Physics exam.

TrIBe Physics Logo

If you find the quest for past papers daunting, worry not. TrIBe Physics is your one-stop resource with a comprehensive question bank, annotated data booklets, and video solutions arranged by topic from the IB Physics guide.

TrIBe Physics resources are tailored to the IB Physics syllabus 2025 and beyond, making them perfect for focused study sessions, whether you’re preparing for a sub-topic quiz, a comprehensive topic test, or revising a particular area of the syllabus.



A: IB Physics Past Paper Questions by Topic

Don’t wait until the eleventh hour before your final exams to start working with past papers. From the get-go, incorporate past paper questions categorised by topic into your study routine. For instance, if you’re currently exploring Kinematics, then it's time to delve into questions specifically designed for that segment of the IB Physics SL or HL syllabus. 

Working through topic-specific questions early on will help you uncover the nuanced exam tips unique to each subject area.

You’ll identify the concepts that recur most frequently on exams. Say you’re studying B.1 Thermal Transfers—you might just find yourself calculating the final temperature of melting ice more often than not!

Navigating the abundance of resources can be overwhelming, from figuring out where to find IB Physics past paper questions by topic to discerning which exam tips apply to each section. That's where TrIBe Physics comes in handy. I’ve filtered through the noise to provide you with screencast solutions, handpicked questions, and saved some papers for that crucial unseen practice during your exam revision period.



B: IB Past Paper Questions (Video Solutions)

Tackling a new topic with past papers can be intimidating, which is why having an IB Physics tutor demonstrate the answers can be so beneficial.  

Watching screencast solutions can demystify the exam process and show you exactly how to present your answers to secure those marks.

These screencasts, available on platforms like YouTube or within TrIBe Physics, are a fantastic way to see the IB Physics SL and HL content come to life.



C: Exam Tips for Each Topic

Every topic within the IB Physics syllabus carries its own set of strategies and tips that can be the key to snagging those extra marks. For instance, in topics like C.2 Wave Model, knowing the right approach to graph interpretation can make all the difference.

Having taught IB Physics since 2004, I’ve become intimately familiar with the types of questions you’ll encounter on exams. That's why I’ve dedicated time to outlining specific exam tips for each topic here at GradePod.

TrIBe Physics Logo

Inside TrIBe Physics, I’ve dedicated time to outlining specific exam tips for each topic



Step 3: 
Propel Your Progress
Target Your Weak Areas

In Step 2, you've tackled numerous IB Physics past paper questions. But remember, simply completing these papers isn't the complete strategy for achieving a level 7 in IB Physics.

To truly propel your progress, you need to identify your weaknesses and improve them.

How to Identify Your Weaknesses

It's surprisingly easy! All you need to do is work through a set of IB Physics problems and then use my "Magic Marking Grid" - my free assessment tool that helps you identify what concepts you are weak in AND where you need to improve tour exam technique.

How to Improve Your Weaknesses

Once you've identified which types of questions you are weak in (using my magic marking grid) you need to improve in those types of question. The secret to this lies in demystifying each exam command word, which can often reveal the examiner's intent.

Let’s go!



A: Magic Marking Grid (Free Assessment Tool)

Tackling IB Physics past papers is a pivotal step towards excellence, but simply completing them isn't the golden ticket to a level 7. Mistakes are part of the learning curve, and it's crucial to not just note them but to understand and learn from them.

Let me introduce you to a transformative tool: the Magic Marking Grid. It's not just a method for marking—it's your personal feedback machine, giving you clear insight into where you're shining and which areas in the IB Physics syllabus you need to polish.

I promise that this Magic Marking Grid will revolutionise your revision by providing:

  1. Tailored feedback on your test performances
  2. Enhanced exam technique
    A boost in your engagement with self-driven learning
  3. An impetus for self-analysis and continuous improvement.

This Magic Marking Grid is found inside the downloadable PDF that accompanies this article

Download HERE

Check out the example below.

Along the top row, you'll find the question numbers, with the concept for each question in the header of the corresponding column. The rows indicate reasons for losing marks.

From this sample, it's evident that the student should focus on:

  1. Responding to “explain” type questions
  2. Becoming more familiar with the IB Physics data booklet for formula selection
  3. Perfecting diagrams
  4. Sharpening their judgment on the reasonableness of answers
  5. Revisiting topics like double-slit interference and circular motion

All too often, we obsess over the final score of an IB Physics HL or SL past paper, neglecting to dissect our exam strategy and subject knowledge deeply. By dedicating time to this grid, you'll form a visual action plan, targeting the very areas begging for attention.

For Physics Teachers:
This grid isn't just a student resource; it's also a potent tool for reporting. Distribute it after mock exams and harvest a wealth of detailed, student-specific feedback for your reports.

I encourage you to deploy the "Magic Marking Grid" after your next IB Physics exam or practice test.

Here's the drill:

  • Complete the past paper with your utmost effort.
  • Mark it diligently using the mark scheme.
  • Take a fresh Magic Marking Grid and pinpoint where you dropped marks.
  • Identify patterns and shortcomings in your exam technique and hone in on those for improvement.


B: Most Common Exam Command Words

Ever been told to just “read the exam question”?

It’s definitely up there with the most annoying, self-evident bits of exam advice you can get, so I won’t repeat it, but…

I will modify it and say that you have to read the exam question and look out for key exam command words. These innocent-looking words are the key to telling you exactly what the examiner wants you to do.

When IB Physics examiners write exam questions, they have to include one of the exam command words that are given by the exam board. 

TrIBe Physics Logo

Inside TrIBe Physics, I'll walk you through EXACTLY how to approach every exam command word, to obtain all the marks in the markscheme

The most common exam command words are:

Let’s look at how to answer these questions in exams.


IB Physics Command Term: “Define”

"Define" means giving the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept, or physical quantity.

In the exam, ‘define’ questions tend to be short and sweet (and deceptively straightforward).

See? Simple and to the point.

However, you only get the marks if you memorise the exact, precise definition. Each individual question is only worth one or two marks, but there is guaranteed to be at least one ‘define’ question in your final physics exam.

This means that knowing your definitions is an easy way to secure quick marks without needing to dust off your problem-solving skills.

I have a full post on some of my top tips for memorising definitions, but my biggest tip is to make sure you prioritise learning them. The added bonus to memorising your definitions is that it can actually help you better understand the concepts behind them.

What you may not know is that a lot of students think they can blag their way through ‘define’ questions with vague answers rather than precise definitions. Big mistake. Just as it’s easy to pick up quick marks with ‘define’ questions, it’s equally quick to throw them away needlessly. Don’t do it!


IB Physics Command Term: “Draw”

"Draw" means to represent by means of a labeled, accurate diagram (or graph), using a pencil.

It’s time to channel your inner van Gogh, da Vinci, or Banksy and get your pencil ready. You’ve probably heard this “accurate, labeled, and in pencil” advice from your teacher many times before, but this time I’m telling you, and please listen.

The examiners have repeatedly expressed concern regarding the poor quality of students' diagrams

Let’s not keep these examiners awake at night worrying about the quality of your diagrams. Let’s fix this now.

Unleash your accurate, labeled self-expression with a pencil!

Next time an exam asks you to 'draw', remember:

  1. Use a pencil, not a pen.
  2. Label it thoroughly.
  3. Employ a ruler for straight lines.

There are a whole set of rules for drawing a best fit line on graphs! I'll give you a clue, they include two of the rules above...


IB Physics Command Term: “Calculate”

The command to 'Calculate' involves deriving a numerical answer complete with all the necessary workings.

Though it may seem daunting, with enough practice using the IB Physics question bank and formula booklet, these questions will become second nature.

Always remember to clearly show every step of your working—examiners value this clarity after their long days teaching, as it makes awarding you those marks so much simpler.

Here's a quick guide to master 'Calculate' questions:

  1. Refer to the IB Physics data booklet for relevant formulas.
  2. List out the given data from the question.
  3. Select the appropriate equation, using the data booklet for accuracy.
  4. Substitute the numerical values and solve.
  5. Present your answer with the correct number of significant figures and units.


IB Physics Command Term: “Explain”

'Explain' might be the word that sends a chill down a physicist’s spine—we prefer concise calculations to lengthy discourse.

In the IB Physics HL and SL exams, you'll need to articulate complex concepts clearly.

To tackle this, I've devised a fail-safe method that I like to call the 'NEVER FAILS' technique.


Whenever you come across an 'explain' question, quickly draft the QUAD diagram:

TrIBe Physics Logo

DIAGRAM: Sketch any relevant diagrams.

KEYWORDS: Jot down the topic's key terms.

PHRASES: Consider important phrases and relationships.

ANSWER: Assemble your thoughts into a coherent answer, with one bullet point for each mark.

By employing this method during your study sessions, you’ll refine your ability to answer 'explain' questions with precision and depth, using appropriate scientific terminology.

Example EXPLAIN Question

Explain, in terms of electrons, what happens to the resistance of the cable as the temperature of the cable increases. [3]

TrIBe Physics Logo

Et Voila! A perfect answer to an “explain’ question!


Step 4: Get the Grade 
(Push Towards That 7!)

You’ve learned invaluable tips on how to study IB Physics through use of an effective revision strategy.

What if you need further help with the actual physics?

If I were reading this guide for the first time, I’d feel motivated and ready to follow the step-by-step instructions. I’d feel that a possibility of achieving a ‘7’ was within my grasp and I’d be excited about the future. However, if I’m honest, I’d feel anxious too.

This guide is good, but it’s not magic.

Just reading the guide won’t make any difference to your grade. You have to read it, complete the work and try every strategy outlined in it - then you’ll be ready to work your own magic in IB Physics.

There is a lot of work involved in obtaining top marks in any exam specification and IB Physics is a good example of this.

HECK! LIFE is a good example of this! You can’t get to the top of anything in life without an effective strategy and a commitment to carry out the work necessary to achieve the top goal. I’ve learned this valuable lesson as a teacher and as an entrepreneur.

You’ll notice this guide isn’t about teaching you the content of the IB Physics course. It’s about giving you the tools to maximise your IB Physics grades. These tools can easily be applied to other subjects too.

What if you need help with the actual content of the IB Physics course?

Where can you go for help?


IB Physics Teacher

IB Physics is a tough and demanding course to teach. Many schools do not have the staff and resources needed.

Every single one of the 300+ IB Physics teachers I know are devoted, hard-working and lovely people - but they are dealing with how to manage behavioural issues in class, how to manage the administrative mountain, how to teach different learning style and abilities, the list is endless….

It’s likely that your teacher is trying their best to help every student, but there isn’t always enough time in the day.

Let’s be clear….

You should be able to expect further help from your IB Physics teacher, but remember that the relationship between teacher and student is built on respect from both sides.

If you spend time getting your teacher on your side, they’ll be more likely to find time in their busy day to help you.

Let’s look at the following situations:

SITUATION 1: (end of lesson)

“Sir, I don’t understand Waves and we’ve got that test tomorrow. Can you help me?”

Waves is a huge topic and you’ve probably been learning it for 2 months in class! You can’t ask a teacher to cover a vague and significant chunk of the course at the end of a lesson (the day before a test!).

This situation offers no evidence that you have made an effort in your own individual study. I know I’m British and obsessed with politeness, but the student did not even say ‘please’!

👎 If I were the teacher, I would politely refuse to help. 👎

SITUATION 2: (start of lesson)

“Sir, I’ve been working through a bank of past papers on Waves for the test tomorrow. After looking through the markschemes, I can see where I have made errors in most of the questions. However, I am still struggling with questions 2c, 5d(i) and 8d. Please can you help?”

The student in this situation has clearly devoted time to their own individual study. They have been considerate of the teacher’s time and are asking politely for help with specific questions at the start of the lesson. The teacher will have time to look through the questions during the course of the lesson and could even offer help while other students are occupied.

❤️ If I were the teacher, I’d be delighted to help. ❤️

Physics Teachers: The Truth
(I know because I am one!)

  • Your physics teacher genuinely does want to help you overcome tricky concepts. They genuinely do want to devote one-to-one time to you. However, at any one time, they will have 100+ students (over a range of classes) that they are responsible for and it is not humanly possible to help everyone in this manner.
  • There is a significant time pressure to get through the content of the course in the limited class time allocated during lessons. The likelihood is that you will fly through even the trickiest concepts quickly in lessons - simply due to time-constraints.
  • Whilst the IB organisation provides teacher training on the specification, most physics teachers are teaching the course with little collaborative support or training, especially with this new specification.


IB Physics Tutor

Seeking additional help from one-to-one tutor in IB Physics is a common step when aiming for academic success.

Traditionally, this would involve hiring a physics tutor. While this one-on-one approach has its benefits, it's essential to consider the evolving educational landscape and what makes the most sense for you financially and practically.

IB Physics Tutor: The Truth
(I know because I am one!)

Let's consider the investment. For instance, if you engage a tutor for one hour weekly throughout the two-year course, the costs could add up significantly, potentially reaching figures like £3015, considering an average rate of £45 per hour.

While evaluating this option, it's important to acknowledge that not all tutors have experience teaching the specific demands of the IB Physics curriculum or crafting strategies for the unique challenges of IB exams, including the Internal Assessment.

Moreover, traditional tutoring usually offers support on a scheduled basis, which may not align with the immediate needs of a student who seeks help at different times throughout their study journey.

Before I start getting hate mail from physics tutors…. I am not anti-tutoring! However, given the global nature of the IB Physics course and the lack of expertise in the intricacies of the specification - I simply believe that hiring a one-to-one tutor (in person) is not the most cost effective way to get a tangible increase in results.

In contrast, the digital age has ushered in new learning methodologies. Online learning platforms, such as TrIBe Physics, can provide comprehensive, flexible educational resources that cater to the preferences of today's students, who often seek to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. These platforms can be a cost-effective alternative, offering access to specialised knowledge and support whenever and wherever needed.

Therefore, while considering the investment in your education, it might be worthwhile to explore online courses that offer a strategic, structured, and flexible approach to mastering IB Physics.



TrIBe Physics (Direct Access to Me!)

In the modern world, most students would look to YouTube for instruction before they would look in their textbook. But can you guarantee the quality of instruction on Youtube? (Apart from the GradePod YouTube channel - of course! 😉)

Let’s face it, you can learn basically whatever you want online and for free. However, it will take you many frustrating hours to find tutorials that are exactly mapped to the new IB Physics specification and accompanying exam-style questions for each topic.

TrIBe Physics Logo

If you are willing to invest, a high-quality online revision course like TrIBe Physics will offer a series of simple, short tutorials that help you to quickly master simple exam techniques, guide revision and achieve top marks.

  • It will be strategic.
  • It will lead you step-by-step through all the concepts you need to maximise your marks in your IB Physics exams.
  • It will offer direct access to to the most highly respected professionals in the IB Physics space - that's me 😉

You can do it the long way (and pay nothing) or you can pay for online expertise and do it the quick and efficient way. Either way is fine!

Online Courses: The Truth
(I know because I own one!)

  1. Online courses are LESS THAN 15% of the cost of employing a physics tutor. Think of all the other things you can spend your money on instead.
  2. Online courses allow you to access the most highly regarded professionals in your particular niche - no matter where you are in the world!
  3. You have direct access to the course creators through instantaneous online methods 
  4. Online courses are available 24/7. Let's say you need to study for a test the next day. You log into your online course and all the information is waiting there for you instantaneously.
  5. The course creators (e.g. me!) put EVERY SINGLE BIT OF SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE into their online courses.

It’s the new way of learning and traditional education should start adapting to that.

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It may come as no surprise to you that I believe the TrIBe Physics online course is the modern and most convenient way of receiving further help in IB Physics.

You can approach your physics teacher or a physics tutor for help and I have given you my thoughts on how best to manage those situations. We can, of course, part ways and you have plenty of great stuff to start you down your journey towards a 7 in IB Physics….


You can join me for the next step and enrol in TrIBe Physics.

  • It doesn't matter if you've just started the IB or are racing towards your final exams.
  • It doesn't matter if you are struggling to pass any class tests or are the class genius.
  • It doesn't matter if you haven't started your Scientific Investigation yet or have already re-created nuclear fusion in your garage and have written 1700 page dissertation on it.

TrIBe Physics is ready for you to enrol and work at your own pace until you get your 7 in IB Physics.